Savings Account
Savings Account

FSNB offers a savings account to help you become financially healthy! Saving money and being financially healthy helps you reduce stress in times of emergency, provides added comfort when unexpected things pop up in your life, and it comes in handy for major purchases in your future like a car, home, or vacation! FSNB is here to help you make a plan, set a goal, and succeed.
FSNB also offers you, free of charge on any account, our Savings Round Up Benefit. Click here to find out more.
Open a savings account with only $5 at any of our branches.
This is a tiered-rate account minimum balance to open account $5.00; minimum balance to obtain APY $25.00
Find out rate information for this account here.
Itemized Paper Statement Fee - $2.00 (No fee if signed up for e-statements). A minimum balance fee of $6.50 will be imposed for every quarterly cycle if the daily balance falls below $100, on any day of the cycle. If your minimum daily balance does not fall below $500, withdrawals from the account are unlimited. If your minimum daily balance falls below $500.00 during the cycle, you may make three free withdrawals during the cycle. Thereafter, a charge of $1.50 will be made for each additional withdrawal during that cycle. A $15 inactivity fee will be charged for each quarterly cycle that a savings account remains inactive for 3 months.